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Movement of Working Women & Volunteers



Na'amat is the largest women's organization in Israel, working to advance the status of women in Israel and to change social policy to achieve equality between the sexes in the family, workplace, society and economy.



Values – Multiculturalism, Togetherness, Strength

The logo symbolises the values of the movement, the female gender and multiculturalism in Israeli society, while focusing on creating a modern, minimalist logo that reflects the spirit of a new era of feminist struggle in the State of Israel. 
כרטיס תלוי - Copy.jpg

In the early stages of sketching, it was important for me to address several important issues in the logo – multiculturalism in Israeli society, symbolism of women in an usual way, and collectiveness.


During the development of the logo, it was important for me to bring a new spirit to Na'amat, a strong women's movement working for all women in Israel, striving towards a large and important goal.



כרטיס תלוי 2.jpg
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